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Academic Council

S.No. Designation Role/Responsibility
1. Vice-Chancellor Chairman
2. Directors, Research and Extension Member
3. All Deans Member
4. Two Heads of Department from each faculty on rotation basis to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor Member
5. One professor from each faculty on roation basis nominated by the Vice-Chancellor Member
6. One eminent educationist from outside the University, from the field of Agriculture/Horticulture/Forestry to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. Member
7. Director Academic/Director resident Instructions Member
8. Registrar Member Secretary
9. Comptroller and University Librarian Non Member invitees
  1. The Academic Council may co-opt a maximum of two teachers/ scientists for a fixed term with a view to give adequate representation to various branches of horticulture/ forestry.
  2. One-third members shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Academic Council. However, the quorum shall not be mandatory for the next meeting called for the same objective.
  3. Ordinarily, the meeting of the Academic Council shall be held once every semester on the date specified by the Vice-Chancellor. However, special meetings can be called by the Vice-Chancellor in exceptional/ unavoidable circumstances

Academic Council: Duties and Powers

  1. The Academic Council shall have the control and general regulations of the Academic Programmes/ Syllabi for various offered by the university and shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Academic standards.
  2. The Academic Council shall control/ amend the provisions of the regulations related to academic affairs of the University in the manner so prescribed.
  3. The Academic Council shall make recommendations in respect of essential and desired eligibility requirements for the direct recruitment of directors/ officers/ scientists related to Teaching/ Research/ Extension. The committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor shall make recommendations for essential and desired qualifications on the basis of national norms/guidelines by UGC, ICAR, ICFRE and submit them for approval of the academic council. Once approved, the eligibility qualifications shall become applicable.
  4. The Academic Council shall specify exercise the following powers :-
  • Shall give recommendations to Vice-Chancellor/ Board of Management in academic affairs.
  • Shall make recommendations in respect of duties of Professors, Associate Professors and other teaching, research and extension posts.
  • Shall make recommendations for the adjunct professorship.
  • Shall make recommendations in respect of establishment/ amalgamation/ abolition of faculties/ colleges.
  • Shall determine requirements and number of students for admission to various courses.
  • Shall determine institution of degree/ diplomas/ certificates and determine their syllabi.
  1. Shall make regulations in respect of honorarium due to question paper setters, moderators and for other related services for the conduct of examinations. The Academic Council shall make regulations for smooth conduct of examinations and for maintenance of academic standards.
  2. Shall make recommendations to the Board of Management for conferment of honorary degrees.
  3. May constitute committees/ sub-committees for specific academic purpose.
  4. Shall have powers to withdraw any degree, diploma, certificate, award, honorary degree conferred by the University to any person provided that adequate valid reasons exist for the same.
  5. Shall have all the powers in respect of academic affairs as granted by the Vice-Chancellor / Board of Management under the provisions of the University Act.


Academic Council Meeting Minutes

S.No. AC Minutes Pdf
1 9th AC Minutes
2 10th AC Minutes
3 11th AC Minutes
4 12th AC Minutes
5 13th AC minutes
6 14th AC minutes
7 15th AC minutes
8 16th AC minutes
9 17th AC minutes
10 18th AC minutes
11 19th AC minutes