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Finance Committee

The Finance Committee consists of Following Members:-

S.No. Designation Role/Responsibility
1. Vice-Chancellor- VCSG UUHF Bharsar Chairman
2. Principal Secretary/Secretary- Finance (IAS)

(Government of  Uttarakhand)

3. Principal Secretary/Secretary- Agriculture (IAS)

(Government of  Uttarakhand)

4. Director/Dean – Nominated by Vice-Chancellor from BoM. Member
5. Member Nominated by Board of Management Member
6. Finance Comptroller Member Secretary
7. Registrar Member
8. Deputy Finance Comptroller Special Invitee

The Functions of Finance Committee are:-

  • The Finance Committee advice the Board of Management on matter related to the properties and funds of the University, keeping in view, the income and resources of the University, the finance committee shall fix the limit of the total recurring and non-recurring expenditure for the next financial year. However, it can review the expenditure limit so fixed by it under special circumstances and its decision shall be binding on the Board of management.
  • The finance Committee shall have such power and duties as have been granted to it under the Act and Statues or have been imposed on it.
  • The Board of Management shall not consider the matter involving the finance before they are referred to the finance committee. If the Board of Management does not agree with the recommendations of the finance committee. The Board of Management may again refer the matter to the finance committee for reconsideration, clearly mentioning the reasons for disagreement. If the Board of Management is still not in agreement with the fresh recommendations of the finance committee, the matter shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision shall be final in this regard.
  • The quorum for the meeting of the finance committee shall be one third of the total membership. The meeting of the finance committee may be postponed for want to quorum. However, so quorum shall be required for the next meeting convened for the same purpose.